Marine mammal sightings (MMS) database
To view older data through the admin interface, use link
The marine mammal sightings database can be found here:
- The mms data from the schemas, which is what most people are looking for:
- A database with the links to the original data (the Excel schemas):
The database has been opened for access.
Some of the newer data might be added behind a login - this means that you will not be able to access the database through the browser, but use tools like Curl or Rlang. Login is that same as for all data accessed from the older version of
Contact person(s): Env Data Section:, Research:
1. File storage prior to database storage
The original mms forms can be found under \\NPDATA\PROJECT\MMS\
The current MMS excel schema and 2024 candidate:
2. Getting data back
Get the data, using https (Curl and Rlang descriptions below)
2.1 Using Kibana to get data (obsolete)
NP has a version of the Kibana visualization software set up with the mms database, available only through NPI’s network:
NOTE! Server uses the http protocol, not the secure https. Some browsers, f.ex. Firefox may have problems showing pages with http requests without additional configuration. Edge or Chrome usually presents the data with a warning asking if you want to continue to load an unsecure connection. Say yes as it is an NP webpage.
This server can be used to seach the MMS database for data without the hassle of passwords.
Go to the “hamburger” menu in the upper left corner and select Analytics
- Discover
Choose database sighting-marine-mammal
. To get data back you also need to set the time frame in the upper
right corner to years back rather than the last 15 minutes. Choose Absolute
and set the calendar dates.
Now you should see that the number of Available fields
in the left side has changed.
Choose the fields that applies to your query, f.ex. “scientificName”.
F.ex. if you want the scientificName to be “ursus maritimus”, use the search field in the upper left corner.
Write “scientificName.keyword : “Ursus maritimus”” and press the blue refresh
button on the upper right side. If there are any entries these should now turn up. Similarly, you can choose other fields.
See the map of all entries in database
If you wish, you can edit the Layer sighting-marine-mammal-geojson f.ex. by adding tooltip to see the species’ name (properties.scientificName) or date (properties.eventDate) in the map. To get a subset, you may use the search in the upper left corner.
2.2 Get data back by using curl/https
From a Windows PC, download and install Curl.
MMS database example with login:
curl -X GET " > mmsfile
Now you will get a json files downloaded. You can get these converted into Excel by following the description on Windows.
2.3 Get data back using Rlang
Code snippet to get all data into R lang:
in the map
# Download the mms database
#if you havn't install package jsonlite do this first
# Then fetch the library
mms_json = fromJSON("")
# Traverse JSON hierarchy
mms_df = mms_json$items$data
# Ways of viewing and see columns by using names
head(mms_df, 5)
field_df_flat = flatten(mms_df, recursive = TRUE)
# You can remove columns in R, but perhaps the easiest approach is to download the database as tsv and
# remove unwanted columns in Excel afterwards. Comma is not recommended as delimiter as it is often included in the text.
# If you want something else than tab, use the sep option, but tab should work in most if not all cases for mms.
write.table(field_df_flat, file='mms.tsv', quote=FALSE, row.names = FALSE, sep='\t', fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
2.4 How to locate and search data in the database
In order to find what you are looking for you need to know the parameter names.
The parameter names follows the Darwin Core standard, however the MMS database also have parameters under dynamicProperties that are tailored to NPI’s needs. Some of the most used fields in the database:
- Missing a variable? JSON schemas for MMS holds all varibles with short descriptions (you need to log in with your NPI logon using LDAP)::
Database example:
means all data, not just the first page.
means include all metadata as well.
means get the data itself as well.
means download as nd-json.
3. How to prepare and clean the incoming excel sheets
The original spreadsheets from the users may have a number of errors that makes it difficult to read direcly. Please check:
During the schema cleaning the assessment should be added to the schema, these are:
MMS field explanations
for explanation and controlled vocabulary available for these fields. If needed, additional vocabulary can be added if agreed upon as needed.
Try to avoid adding comments to the fields written by the user, rather add comments to the editorComment field and include your name and date.
To unlock the schema, store a version of it under a different name.
How to handle missing coord/placenames: If only a comment tells something about the placename, f.eks. “South of Moffen” for an animal with ocean as the only habitat. - Set Placename to “Moffen” - Lat and lon is set to a place directly south of Moffen - coordinateUncertaintyInMeters set to more than a kilometer. - editorQualityTest: geopointMissing, geopointOutsideHabitat.